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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 hate thread


Oct 27, 2019
Swen Vincke's bedroom (Ghent)
Haha true. It's obviously not going to be an actual sequel to Throne of Bhaal. I don't know why anyone was expecting that. And it's not like ToB was even that good to begin with...

Throne of Bhaal (with the inclusion of Watcher's Keep) is already a much better game than DOS 3: BG can hope to achieve. This abomination is clearly not targeted for people who loved the original saga. That much is very clear. Otherwise they would stick to the old recipe, which they don't.

Lilliput McHammersmith

Haha true. It's obviously not going to be an actual sequel to Throne of Bhaal. I don't know why anyone was expecting that. And it's not like ToB was even that good to begin with...

Throne of Bhaal (with the inclusion of Watcher's Keep) is already a much better game than DOS 3: BG can hope to achieve. This abomination is clearly not targeted for people who loved the original saga. That much is very clear. Otherwise they would stick to the old recipe, which they don't.
Meh. I disagree. ToB is a huge boss rush slog that is not very compelling or very good. It also shits on the previously established lore of BG1 in a number of ways.

I loved the original saga, and I think this game is targeted for me. TB D&D in the Forgotten Realms, and we get to be in the city of Baldur's Gate?



Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Haha true. It's obviously not going to be an actual sequel to Throne of Bhaal. I don't know why anyone was expecting that. And it's not like ToB was even that good to begin with...

Throne of Bhaal (with the inclusion of Watcher's Keep) is already a much better game than DOS 3: BG can hope to achieve. This abomination is clearly not targeted for people who loved the original saga. That much is very clear. Otherwise they would stick to the old recipe, which they don't.
Throne of Bhaal is an insufferable slog. I love BG 1 & 2 and I periodically replay them, but the thought of replaying Throne of Bhaal makes me sick.

I loved the original saga and I definitely feel that this game is (at least partially) targeted at me. How is it possible?


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Gyor If it stops you posting I'm prepared to call it a day retard. Just wanted to see how long you could keep up your spastic finger wagging. :roll:


Dec 11, 2017
Gyor If it stops you posting I'm prepared to call it a day retard. Just wanted to see how long you could keep up your spastic finger wagging. :roll:

Just for that I'm going to double my posting you cocksleeve for retired donkey dick


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Well at least he's getting more imaginative with the school playground insults. :incline:

That's my last post mods. Scouts honour.

The scout that didn't assrape Gyor while he was begging for a double bicep-deep fisting anyway


Dec 11, 2017
Well at least he's getting more imaginative with the school playground insults. :incline:

That's my last post mods. Scouts honour.

The scout that didn't assrape Gyor while he was begging for a double bicep-deep fisting anyway



Aug 12, 2023
Haha true. It's obviously not going to be an actual sequel to Throne of Bhaal. I don't know why anyone was expecting that. And it's not like ToB was even that good to begin with...

Throne of Bhaal (with the inclusion of Watcher's Keep) is already a much better game than DOS 3: BG can hope to achieve. This abomination is clearly not targeted for people who loved the original saga. That much is very clear. Otherwise they would stick to the old recipe, which they don't.
They didn't, and they couldn't. Why the fuck does the Sword Coast look like Fort Joy?


Jan 27, 2021
Not here
Haha true. It's obviously not going to be an actual sequel to Throne of Bhaal. I don't know why anyone was expecting that. And it's not like ToB was even that good to begin with...

Throne of Bhaal (with the inclusion of Watcher's Keep) is already a much better game than DOS 3: BG can hope to achieve. This abomination is clearly not targeted for people who loved the original saga. That much is very clear. Otherwise they would stick to the old recipe, which they don't.
They didn't, and they couldn't. Why the fuck does the Sword Coast look like Fort Joy?
Because it's the same fucking game.


Jul 16, 2009

Can you see what they did to that cat?


Mar 19, 2017
5th edition,
Origin characters system,
Lack of day/night cycles and time-sensitive quests, this is the greatest issue in my opinion. Such a wasted opportunity of setting the mood, being infected and seeking a cure should've been used to create pressure and a sense of urgency. A gith sitting in my camp doing nothing about being infected kills the mood instantly. Instead the game encourages you to rest in your camp(could've been called a fuckroom) a lot. its the only way to advance time and get your companions to have their scripted interactions.
Teleporting around,
Camp, for being %100 safe and teleportable from anywhere anytime.
Inventory management -too much trash,
Pacing of the story. Too much is revealed in Act 2. Act 1&2 areas are quite good but after such good&large areas Baldur's Gate feels like just another city and doesnt feel special in any way. Also, being forced to play the game in a linear storyline.
How they advertise "diversity", "equality" and "refugees are good", well I'm fine with first 2 but it doesnt mean I wanna have real-life politics affecting game stories. AND they're hypocritical about it all. 10 potential companions, 9 romanceable and they're all TALL and fit bisexuals with 9/10 or 10/10 looks. Basically people you would like to fuck. I'm not seeing any ugly half-orcs or dorfs with shit attitudes. Not even fat halflings or repulsive gnomes. Guess no one would want to fuck em.

I've heard Larian was known for their humour. Well here's the thing, If you make jokes you can be funny. But if you become the joke then you're a clown and clowns are not funny.

Phew, had to let this out. Been regretting this drunk impulse purchase of mine. Kind regards.
Last edited:


Dec 7, 2023
Maybe I am a small little crybaby, but BG3 feels too depressing for me.

I enjoyed Act 1 very much. Wonderful overground and underground levels, lots of secrets, you get to at least meet all of the followers, some roleplay too (I expected more, but my expectations are my problems). Even then Act 1 has its share of unbearable douchebags:

Kagha (really, shadow druids seem to be the lamest attempt to make druids evil-aligned, not BG3's fault tho). The rest of the druids who follow Kagha's orders like she's Stalin, not a fellow hippy teaching harmony. Mol and her (at first, I thought Mol was a boy) underage bandits hellbent to get into trouble and make fools of their parents. Nettie and Mayrina's brothers throwing their life away for some rotten reason. Mayrina... no comments on Mayrina, really, she's a godawful person. Oh, and the Giths -- really, both Vlaakith loyalists and rebels feel like psychos you'd better avoid.

But that's act 1. Act 2 is just... well, if you saved the tieflings, most are killed off screen. If you speak to Isobel in Last Light Inn, chances are the surprise fight will fucking destroy Last Light (of course, Marcus, the Absolute has given you wings because she loves you, not because it is convient to have your kidnappers airborne). Destroyed Last Light is minus 30 people right of the bat. Maybe 40. Perfect. Our railroady DM is a fan of the trolley problem, it seems, and he wants to see the trolley to run over more people. I bet it is so much worse when you're playing Dark Urge, but I never was interested in the Urgelord.

The location itself is just... well, grasslands and crystal caves disappear. Now we're exploring smoker's lungs from the inside. Shadows drop cheap tear jerkers called "shadow remnants". Ketheric relatives are turned into nasty monsters -- wow, what a subtle metaphor for sin. Nasty is really the keyword here. Everything is so nasty, foul, angsty, goddammit.

My problem with BG3 is that I had left no stone unturned in Act 1 and have no wish to turn any stones in Act 2. BG3 seems like a good game, but I'd rather whine about it on some forum rather than attempt to sit through the gloomy bore one more time. It's more fun that way.

P.S. What's the deal with all those villains who consider friendly fire a form of team building practice? Ketheric does it. The Gith do it. Nere does it (justified, Nere is a stupid hate-filled manling who think he is done licking cunts). Regill from Wrathfinder does it. Down with this "for the evulz" routine. It is not effective, it is an 8 INT (at best) move which damages your army and foments disloyalty.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
I somehow missed Isobel when I first explored the Last Light Inn, and by the time I was informed of her existence much later my party had levelled enough that the fight was quite easy even on the hardest difficulty. +M
Mar 3, 2010
i don't hate the game, i see it has a lot of qualities, but damn it's impossible to maintain any minimal degree of suspension of disbelief. starting from the interface flipped from divine divinity, the constant need to teleport back and forth from the pocket-dimensional personal camp, everyone instantly knows you, everyone instantly knows you're the bringer of death and despair waiting to happen any second now, everyone instantly ignores if 5 seconds in the conversation, there's something entirely unrelated happening every 20 meters, you're given an extremely rare and invaluable eternal amulet of speak with the dead ten seconds in and so the world had been seeded with isolated corpses everywhere, every room is completely isolated from the rest of the world, you can murder 200 people in one, click on the door and anyone sitting just outside has no idea what happened on the other side of a flimsy door... and there are no women with big boobs.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
i don't hate the game, i see it has a lot of qualities, but damn it's impossible to maintain any minimal degree of suspension of disbelief. starting from the interface flipped from divine divinity, the constant need to teleport back and forth from the pocket-dimensional personal camp, everyone instantly knows you, everyone instantly knows you're the bringer of death and despair waiting to happen any second now, everyone instantly ignores if 5 seconds in the conversation, there's something entirely unrelated happening every 20 meters, you're given an extremely rare and invaluable eternal amulet of speak with the dead ten seconds in and so the world had been seeded with isolated corpses everywhere, every room is completely isolated from the rest of the world, you can murder 200 people in one, click on the door and anyone sitting just outside has no idea what happened on the other side of a flimsy door... and there are no women with big boobs.

There are several mods for that.


Apr 10, 2013
But that's act 1. Act 2 is just... well, if you saved the tieflings, most are killed off screen.
That must be to avoid handling different player choices.
No matter what, the result is the same...

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