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Escape From Ripag's Watch - A chaos Space Marine Quest


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Escape From Ripag's Watch - A chaos Space Marine Quest


Chapter 1: Planetfall

"Plasma reactor offline. Primary propulsion offline. Switching to emergency power supplies. Error. Full propulsion failure. Uncontrolled planetfall imminent."

You were running toward the bridge after dealing with one of the boarding group, when you had heard the alarming drone of the heretek maintaining your ship. The though that you had been out manoeuvred by mere human scum, sent from the ships who had come to defend the Cadian sector, was infuriating. But you kept you temper in check for the moment, instead continuing toward your objective, the heavy footfalls of your power armour drowning the ruckus of a ailing warship.

Damnation! You should have taken that cursed sorcerer's offer and had your ship possessed by a deamon. Yes, more risks of possession, mutation and madness, but at least the bastards that boarded your ship would be dead by now, instead of running amok and fatally sabotaging it.

You have commanded this Iconoclast-class raider, the Mortis Ex Astra, for a few centuries, but it looks like it's the end for it. Abaddon's latest Black Crusade (the ninth, by your reckoning) had gone well, notwithstanding your failure to capture your objective on the fortress world you're about to crash on. Then the signal for retreat had been sent, triggering a flight for the landing crafts. In the confusion, you have even no idea how much of your warband have made it back to the ship.
And then you were boarded while still in the gravity well of the planet, with most of the other Chaos ships blown to pieces by Imperial warships. Between the boarders and the fire from enemy spacecrafts, your ship is going down and with your landing bay wrecked by boarders (and since you skipped on maintaining your escape pods), you had no choice but going down with the ship.

Reaching the bridge, you see pandemonium, with monitors flickering, loudspeaker blaring only static and a mix oil and blood spreading on the floor, both damage from the space battles and recent boarding action. Punching a cogitator until the image stabilized, you saw your projected landing site, in a steep mountain ridge on the Northern continent.

Normal humans would die in a crash like this, but space marines had a good chance of surviving and those blessed by the Dark Gods even more so. And you were a Word Bearer, a scion of Lorgar, the blessings of the Dark Gods were as familiar to you as drugs are familiar to the depraved Emperor's Children! Though lately the favour of the Gods had been somewhat... lacking, which might explain your current predicament. But Faith must always be tested. And you were convinced that perseverance will ultimately bring your justly deserved rewards.
You could even stay in the bridge, which would give you the best protection from the crash. But once on the ground you'd have to find a way to escape that planet, imperial forces will surely try to assault the crash site to purge any survivors. So you might need supplies, which meant going to the armoury, even if there's no telling what's left there. Gazing around, you spot one of the pict-recorder screen showing some boarders two corridors aft of the bridge; even if they likely won't survive the crash, you could still extract some retribution out of their sorry hides.

A) Stay there, which will help in getting a safe landing and a quicker exit.
B) Go to the armoury. Though being stuck next to unstable high-explosive might during a crash might be dangerous.
C) The boarders are dead either way, but you will extract a pound of flesh for their insolence

Write-in (default: Procrus)

You can also post a picture for your character; I'll either chose one or go with the general consensus if there's one.


The idea of the quest is to be rather short, ending either with the death of your character or your escape against all odds from the planet. I had notes for this, dating back a few years (I started sketching that quest before Mysteries of Brocante), but I've since lost them, but I should be able to reconstruct whatever I need.

Don't hesitate to ask questions (since that idea had been hanging around in my head for a long time, I know it quite well, but that doesn't mean I have though to include all the relevant information)

Edit 2023: well, I decided to continue beyond the original plan, because I'm enjoying that and I have some ideas for the next steps
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Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth

(CSM): Word Bearer Legionary, veteran of the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, you’ve left your legion after [REDACTED] and have struck out since then in your own warband, with limited success
Warband: Procrus's Reivers
Wargear: Legion power armour, Maul made from the pieces of a shattered Crozius, Bolt pistol
Trophies: Subjugator Beakie helmet
Preach - Good
Deamonology - Dabbling
Command - Average


(CSM): your squad mate since the Great Crusade and second of your warband after you left the Legion
Infiltrate - Good
Assassination - Competent
Wargear: Legion power armour, bolt carabine, combat knives
NB: Currently missing a hand

Frax (CSM): Much younger than either you or Zephus, you had paid a pupil of Fabius Bile to implement a group of promising youth with geneseed scrounged from somewhere and he was the only viable specimen. He was hypno-conditioned as part of his implantation to be loyal to you.
Pilot (small crafts) - Competent
Tech use - Dabbling
Wargear: CSM power armour, Astartes combat shotgun, chainsword

Lupa Dal'Irate: Imperial officer you've recruited during your bid to take control of the ship she was serving on, I-14.17u.
Command space ship - Competent
Wargear: Cutlass, Navy heavy handgun, void-sealed flak armour
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Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Are we Black Legion? Or another? My vote here depends on our allegiance.

Honestly I did most of the planning with the idea that you are a Word Bearer. But I couldn't find a good way/forgot to work that into the first post.
On the other hand I think most legions (and renegade chapters) could work... Do you think people would be interesting in voting on that too? (I didn't want to front load the first post with too many choices)
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Serial Ratist
Jan 30, 2015
San Antonio, TX
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I wasn't particularly interested in making it a choice if you already had something in mind. I just meant that our allegiance would color my voting decision, based on my understanding of the general temperament of each Traitor Legion.

If we're Word Bearers my vote is C. We'll get our pound alright. But it will be their spirits. We need sacrifices for the gods, and these boarders, foolish enough to stay within our reach, will provide the perfect initial offering in exchange for the gods' help on planetfall.

Their exquisite suffering, and eternal torment after death, are the icing on the cake.


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
okay, thank you for the feedback; I'll make it clear you're a Word Bearer. That would also help with my idea of having a character that's less of a blank slate than Balda


Serial Ratist
Jan 30, 2015
San Antonio, TX
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth

I don't know how to resize images, or of any bbcode methods for standardizing/shrinking them, so I spoiler'd them.


Aug 30, 2008

Presuming we have first choice immunity intuitively seems like it'll get us punished here


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
thanks all for the votes; so far C takes it; don't forget that you can also vote to choose another name for your character


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth

Chapter 2: Arma et Verbum Armiger

The boarders are dead either way, but you will extract a pound of flesh for their insolence, you decide. You exit the bridge, following corridors that are starting to list as the artificial gravity of the ship fights a much stronger force coming from the planet. As you get closer to where the boarders should be, you come across bodies of slaves and menials, cultists, the lost and the damned, part of your warband, of your flock, cut like wheat before the brutal scythe of the Imperial boarders. But now they will face the master of the ship and your were determined to offer them as sacrifice for all their transgressions against you.
You turn in another corridor and find your target, a mixed group of naval armsmen and stormtroopers, already engaged in combat with members of your crew and two Chaos space marines: the first is Zephus, as usual carrying way more knives that what would be considered practical, who's been fighting at your side one way or another since the Heresy and currently butchering a group of armsmen. The second is Frax, much more younger, having received the implants from a pupil of Fabius Bile recently, at a cost that still makes you shudder. He's currently wielding his shotgun, which he is using to good effect against a squad of stormtroopers, sporting his usual loony grin, like whenever he's in a fight. As you move forward, the ship shakes, causing everyone to stumble from one side to the other, with some humans crashing to the floor: it seems you don't have much time left.

"There's another one! Emperor watches over us!" cries one of the armsmen when he sees you flanking their group.

"Your emperor is a desiccated body nailed to a gaudy chair!" you answer, before joining the combat with

A) a melee weapon,
1) The power sword of the 436th Cadian's colonel, torn apart by her soldiers after you turned the regiment to Chaos. The grip was reforged to accommodate your larger hand, but the rest hasn't, making it a short weapon for someone of your stature.
2) A maul forged from the shattered crozuis of a chaplain of the Azure Swords loyalist chapter. It was won after a duel of words, faith and skill. The loyalist was found wanting.
3) A chainaxe, taken from the last fool to challenge your position in the warband, who himself had won it in the arena of the Monument of Sin.

B) a ranged weapon,
1) An ancient bolter, given to you at the onset of the Great Crusade on Terra. It had stayed in your possession ever since, killing thousands, never failing or jamming.
2) A bolter from a Dark Mechanicus iron-fane, exchanged for slaves taken from worlds on the edge of the Agrippa sector. Bolts fired from it inflict grievous wounds and send shrapnel around the impact point, shredding anyone around the original target, at expense of reduced range and armor penetration.
3) A possessed stalker bolter, taken as spoil of war in the Maelestrom from the body of an Alpha Legion marine. When aiming down the attached scope, you hear inintelligible whispers at the edge of your hearing, but the bolts fired from this weapon reach unnaturaly the weak points of the armour of your targets.

With your intervention, the worshippers of the corpse-emperor stand no chance and their attempted fall back quickly turns into a rout.
But you have no time to revel in their dismay as you are launched forward down the corridor like a canon ball, as if hit by the fist of an angry god. In the split second before hitting a bulkhead amidst a scrum of boarders, you realize that the ship has come to its final rest.


You come to your senses in a mess of bloody body parts, mostly from the boarders when you crushed through them, though there's a few bodies from members of your crew. You take stock of your status, finding that your helmet is badly cracked in the middle, similar cracks are present all over your armour, but its defensive capabilities aren't hampered yet, though further damage surely will. Your body is bruised, a few hairline fractures, but for a space marine like you it's nothing.
You see that Zephus has already recovered, idly playing with one of his knives as he looks at you coming to your senses. Rising, you see that Frax is still insensate, but you manage to wake him up after a few slaps. You also realize that the ship must have landed on the side as you now stand on the wall of the corridor. As expected no normal human has survived, but at least you killed some of those boarders yourself.

"By the Dark Gods! They must have been with us or we wouldn't have survived this!" says Frax as he stands up. "Now, which way?"

"Those thrice damned imperial will likely swarm the site of the crash. We must leave the ship with utmost haste and find a way off planet." you answer

"And how do you propose we accomplish that, Procrus?" asks Zephus.

"From what I saw on the bridge before the crash, the ship would have crashed not too far from an imperial base, we might be able to find transportation there."

"That would be an option. But before we get under way, I'm getting some signals on my vox-link. Could be other survivors. Could be malfunctioning systems." says Zephus, holding up his hand to where his ear would be under his helmet.

"Hum. And you could lead us to the source then? How far?"

"The signal's scrambled by the ship, but I could follow it. If you feel it's worth our time, of course."

So do you

C) ask Zephus to lead you to the vox signal's origin
D) try to look for an exit directly

AN: Selecting the weapon also select the combat distance (melee or ranged) where you're the most skilled. If you select one of the melee weapons, you also have a bolt pistol and if you select one of the ranged weapons, you also have an Astarte combat knife.
The two votes (weapon and investigate the signal) will be counted separately.
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Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
A proper wordbearer leader should wield a crozius.

A2 it is then. Let us carry the word forward!

Also, those of our flock too weak to find their own egress deserve their fate. D


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
I was sure the title was "Escape from RPGwatch" but alas, it was too good to be true.
well, I couldn't be that on the nose, that would have been a little too much :smug:

Temporary tally:

Azira, ERYFKRAD, Kalarion


Endemic, ERYFKRAD, Kalarion



Aug 30, 2008

We hardly ever get to see Chaos/Traitors as protagonists so it'll be fun to bring more of them along if we can.
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Aug 24, 2013
ZE MAUL and ask that komrade of ours to lead us to ze sygnal, ja.
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Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
for those voting for A2, do keep in mind that unlike an actual crozius (from either loyalists and traitors), it doesn't have a power field, so it's not as powerful as a weapon; but it's still a very potent symbol

And again thanks for all the participation;
Temp tally:
Azira, ERYFKRAD, Kalarion, vazha, Baltika9, TBS, hello friend

Endemic, Oscar

Endemic, ERYFKRAD, Kalarion, Oscar, vazha, Baltika9, TBS

Azira, hello friend
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