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Anime Future Fragments (action/platformer/RPG) Public Demo Inside!


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#59 September 16th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #59 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Nothing really to report this time around, just making general progress; as a reminder, it's likely that we won't actually have the game released on Steam until early October due to the time Steam needs to check the game, so like in the last post, while we'll be submitting in September, it'll take time to check.

We'll still be working on the game during that time frame too, if anyone's wondering how we'll get everything in on time.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#60 September 23rd progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #60 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Not much to say this week either, honestly, except...

...Wishful Simping finished all the music in the game AND mastered it!

So that's great news, and Frouge, Lewd K. and I are still progressing the same as ever :)


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#62 October 7th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #62 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Frouge got me a build tonight that allows me to plug in true endings AND secret endings myself through the cutscene editor, so that'll save him a lot of time and let me get those in real quick for the next submission! Otherwise, it's just progress as usual :)


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#63 October 14th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #63 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Pretty much covered it in the image, but two notable things that weren't in there/didn't have room to fit in there;

- We'll be re-submitting to Steam on October 29th, not October 22nd, and
- We're absolutely releasing in November, but instead of early November, we're now looking at very late November.

We'll be doing our best to get it as complete and polished as possible before then, but that is our extremely hard deadline.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#64 October 21st progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #64 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Pretty much covered it in the image, but we also decided to move the submission date to November 1st, since Steam is having a sale through to the end of October and they're not likely gonna check anything during it anyways; gives us more time to get more stuff in to have a higher chance of acceptance.

Also, to be clear for those who missed it last time; we WILL be releasing the game on November 30th, 2022, no matter what state it's in. We are grinding like crazy to get it as close to completed as possible by then.
It is likely however that some voicework won't be in at launch, as some of the voice actors will likely be away on holidays (Thanksgiving, for instance) and a few of the voice actors, including lead VAs, have become very busy, and combined with the large amount of work they've got left to do (which is entirely on me not getting them scripts earlier, aka my fault) it's unlikely 100% of the voicework will be done at release. Again, my fault, not theirs.

HOWEVER, it is extremely likely (but not guaranteed) that we'll be able to get 100% of voicework done before year's end.

So you can view the first month of release as sort of a "soft launch" before everything is totally in before year's end voice-wise.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
You're almost done, after 7 years!
Yep, never ever taking this long for a project again lol, not even half this long. Learned a ton of stuff along the way and now we've got our own engine to make things a lot easier, too.
But I do think the density of content/quality of it will reflect the time in development.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#65 October 28th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #65 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Because I was vomiting my guts up and pretty destroyed from a strep throat, as well as Triangulate needing to rework the visuals on one of the enemies, we're NOW going to re-submit the game to Steam on November 5th.
Just moving it by 4 days, but since the game is coming out on November 30th, that should still be more than enough time to get in.


Also again, at launch, due to factors both that are our fault and factors out of our control, probably 15-20% of total voicework for the game will not be in at launch. Additionally, probably 20-30 cutscenes (out of literally 1,000+ cutscenes/variants) likely won't be in.

All the NSFW scenes will be in at launch, though. HOWEVER, it is extremely likely (but not guaranteed) that we'll be able to get 100% of voicework and scenes in before year's end, as mentioned before.
So you can view the first month or two of release as sort of a "soft launch" before everything is totally in before year's end voice-wise.

The game will be playable from beginning to end at launch with 95% of content in. All updates will be free, including DLC, bugfixes, polish, etc.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#66 November 4th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #66 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Just pushing along, nothing special to report here; still going to be releasing the game on November 30th, 2022, but again probably with about 10-15% of total voicework missing as well as some cutscenes, secret endings, etc. and a few other odds and ends not in yet.
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Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#69 December 2nd progress report.png

Bi-Weekly Progress Report #69 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


NOTE: If you missed the change in how we're treating the release date, go read the news about it over here; https://twitter.com/HentaiWriter/status/1595077831607943168

Now, before you freak out at that number, realize that some of these cutscenes take literally only 30 minutes-1 hour tops to put in the game.

However, there ARE some cutscenes (like the core storyline ones) that have a ton of branching variants, or that have a lot of special effects/extra stuff needed to get them working on Frouge's end, and those are the ones that can take upwards of 3-4 hours to plug in.

Again, most of the writing/voicework stuff is done for a lot of these ones to plug in, they just need to actually be put in, by hand, event by event, in-game, and that's why it takes a while.

Probably 80% of the remaining scenes are optional ones, too. Most of the core stuff is done.

We could provide numbers for how many are written, how many are voiced, etc. but it just ends up leading to more confusion (as it did before), so I figure this is the easiest/most straightforward way to quantify how much is left before release; if that number ticks down, a new cutscene, or game over scene, or secret ending, or etc. is in-game, fully playable, with voicework.

But yes, once that number hits 0, we should have everything else done as well (any remaining programming, etc.) so we SHOULD be ready to launch by then.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#70 December 16th progress report.png

Bi-Weekly Progress Report #70 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Bit of a long post this time, but I'll try to make it as brief as I can!


To start off, we switched the numbers to make it so that it shows the number of cutscenes completed, instead of the number of cutscenes left, so that we could also show how many cutscenes/databanks are in the game total.

And just to get this clarification out of the way, those of you with good math skills will realize that 388 - 210 = 178 left to go, which is a bit more than last week's amount of 157 left to go.

The reason for this is because on our end, some of the cutscenes in the game are grouped together for ease of finding them/similarity.

However, we realized this gives a skewed view of how many actual individual cutscenes there are in the game. (This isn't counting "tabs" or "variants" on scenes; if we count that, we're probably at somewhere around 1,000+ total for the final game!)

For instance, every one of "Shadow Vie's" cutscenes in the Fire Level were grouped as just "one cutscene", despite her cutscenes happening on entirely different maps with entirely different content per event.

Similarly, all the cutscenes when you reach the end of a path in a level were grouped as "one cutscene" per level too.

The number you see there now is a much more accurate amount of how many cutscenes/databanks are in the game right now and working, and how many will be in the game at launch.


As far as programming goes, Frouge has just been generally adding general things around the game; this might not sound like much, but trust me, he's been getting a lot of stuff done.

Most of it is spoiler stuff, as usual, but I can say these things as specifics;

- We now have more NPC functionality in that I needed for cutscenes in general, as well as specialized stuff for certain cutscenes that should make some cutscenes really "pop".

- We also have in this neat feature for people whose primary language isn't English; you can press CTRL+C to copy any text on-screen and then paste it into a translation program, which should help lots until we get localizations officially done in different languages (after-launch).

- Global cutscenes are now a thing; these would be things like secret endings or other events that can happen on any map, instead of being locked to a specific map. This functionality was needed for both the secret endings and other cutscenes that I'd want to happen by tracking player actions over the course of the game (or over a series of maps, like the pre-boss puzzle rooms in the Electric Level).

- Most of the remaining music has been added in game and is usable in cutscenes now.

As always, if you've got any questions, feel free to talk to us on Discord at discord.gg/puXrfSm :)


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
You're almost done, after 7 years!
Yep, never ever taking this long for a project again lol, not even half this long. Learned a ton of stuff along the way and now we've got our own engine to make things a lot easier, too.
But I do think the density of content/quality of it will reflect the time in development.

Soon you'll be ready to release! Best of luck to you and godspeed.



Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#72 January 14th progress report.png

Bi-Weekly Progress Report #72 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


I really hate to have any sort of a reason for going slower on work, but as it is, the flu knocked me out for a few days, and then yeah, 2nd grandmother in under a month passed away unbelievably; my parents handled most of the funeral stuff, but I still was helping with some of the arrangements and anything to do with computer stuff (appointments etc.) because both of my parents have no idea what to do with any of that.

Still got a small handful of scenes in though, and Frouge has been keeping busy too, getting bugfixes in plus an assortment of stuff I needed for more cutscenes, as well as something I'm sure many people would enjoy; being able to check on your menu how many Fragments, Gold Databanks, and Powerups you've found per level.

The next two weeks should hopefully, barring anything else happening crazy like it's been the last few weeks, be much more productive.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#73 January 28th progress report.png

Bi-Weekly Progress Report #73 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


Not too much to report this week, just progress as usual. Got a decent amount of cutscenes in at least, just over 40.

As noted though, for the next 2-3 weeks (and maybe slightly more, depending on any issues), I'll be writing exclusively and not injecting cutscenes, so as to hopefully finish off all remaining writing.

But that leaves us with less than 100 to go to inject, which is good news, I figure!
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Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
Megaman clones are boring, make an RPG.

What if I told you our game has more endings, more branching choices, more NPCs, and more voicework than the majority of RPGs?
- 25 hours of voicework across 97 voice actors
- 350+ NPCs, all voiced as everything else in the game is
- 1,000+ cutscene variants based on your choices/actions in-game
- 40+ endings (21 true endings, 20+ secret endings)

Additionally, there's a personality values system that changes how people react to you (and your available choices) based on your points in Justice, Pacifism, Violence, Kindness, Hatred, Optimism, Pessimism, and Sexuality; the order you talk to people matters too. These points are what factor into your eventual ending, as well. You get/lose points based on your choices both in and outside of cutscenes and during gameplay too.

Finally, I'd say having 50 powerups with 20,000+ combinations possible is a bit more than most megaman games too :P

Our game after this game though will likely be a TRPG, so there's that at least if you're looking for a fully RPG-based experience.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
But can I level up?
It's only got RPG elements, not fully an RPG, so unfortunately no, there's no true "levelling up".

You do gain new powers by defeating bosses (two per boss), and you can pick up all those powerups, and your personality values tie into some of the powerups so gaining points in those personality values is effectively strengthening the powerups...
...but no true leveling, no. There's also no additional party members or anything like that, so I'd say it's a combination of RPG, platformer, run 'n gun, metroidvania, and visual novel elements.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#74 February 11th progress report.png

Bi-Weekly Progress Report #74 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


The post itself pretty much covers all of it; not much else to say except me writing, writing, and more writing as fast as I can!

Frouge is busting his ass too; we want to get Future Fragments finished and to you all as fast as possible :)


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
#75 February 25th progress report.png

Bi-Weekly Progress Report #75 for Future Fragments!


DISCORD - https://discord.gg/puXrfSm
STEAM - https://steam.pm/app/1238920
TWITTER - https://www.twitter.com/hentaiwriter
FREE DEMO - https://futurefragments.net
MORE PLACES - http://linktr.ee/hentaiwriter

All links are meant only for those 18+ of age or older.


I do realize that after so many posts without images or videos or something of that sort, that it's hard to really tell that we're making progress outside of just taking our word for it.

However, like I've said before too, all the progress we're making is either "under the hood" stuff (programming) or game spoilers (story).

That said, once I start implementing cutscenes again, I WILL be streaming the implementation of said cutscenes like before, so you'll be able to watch those done in real time, at least.

We're still pushing ahead though and knocking stuff off our "to-do" lists one by one, steadily; the game is still on good track/making good progress.

Honestly, from what I've been playing when I've been testing out stuff, I'm really excited for us to finally get Future Fragments out, I think the jump from what the public/patrons have been playing to what we have now is pretty large, all around the board.

Hopefully, it'll have been worth the wait for everyone, but I'm pretty confident it will be from these builds.

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