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Witcher 3 - Was the Wild Hunt twist cheap - spoilers

Are elves with muscles ok?

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May 8, 2018
Ciri punching entropy in the face and everything related to that – related to Ciri even – is the low point of the franchise. A lot of it is Sapkowski's fault but they could've easily just ignored it like they did a bunch of other stuff.

As far as I'm concerned this game's primary antagonist is Master Mirror.


Feb 12, 2017
interdimensional super elves in skull armors and flying boats


there we go

overly excitable young man

They are skinny bitches compared to Orks.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
In the books there is a prophecy that Ciri or her child will save the world. However it was quite vague.

That's why the Emperor of Nilfgaard wanted to kidnap, marry and have children with her, even knowing that she was his daughter. Acquiring the official rights to the Kingdom of Cintra (already conquered by Nilfgaard troops, but still not fully subjugated due to strong opposition) was just a bonus for him.

The Wild Hunt wanted to get Ciri also for breeding, hoping that her child with king , Auberon Muircetach would save them from the White Frost. Propably by opening a portal between the elf world and the human world, which would allow them to conquer new land, less threatened by the White Frost. It is suggested that without Ciri only a handful of elves (the ones that form the Wild Hunt) can travel between worlds and even for them it is a difficult journey.

However, at that point Auberon was old and impotent. Eredin killed him and wanted to use Ciri in the same manner, but then she escaped. The unicorns, which were not exterminated in the elf world (unlike the world of men), helped her to break the spell imprisoning her in the vicinity of the royal palace.

That's from the novels - the lore CDPR had to work with.


Dec 31, 2007
In the books there is a prophecy that Ciri or her child will save the world. However it was quite vague.

That's why the Emperor of Nilfgaard wanted to kidnap, marry and have children with her, even knowing that she was his daughter. Acquiring the official rights to the Kingdom of Cintra (already conquered by Nilfgaard troops, but still not fully subjugated due to strong opposition) was just a bonus for him.

The Wild Hunt wanted to get Ciri also for breeding, hoping that her child with king , Auberon Muircetach would save them from the White Frost. Propably by opening a portal between the elf world and the human world, which would allow them to conquer new land, less threatened by the White Frost. It is suggested that without Ciri only a handful of elves (the ones that form the Wild Hunt) can travel between worlds and even for them it is a difficult journey.

However, at that point Auberon was old and impotent. Eredin killed him and wanted to use Ciri in the same manner, but then she escaped. The unicorns, which were not exterminated in the elf world (unlike the world of men), helped her to break the spell imprisoning her in the vicinity of the royal palace.

That's from the novels - the lore CDPR had to work with.

Someone should just remove Ciri's ovaries and stop all this senseless bloodshed.


Feb 14, 2017
Witcher 2 felt like you had a purpose, hunting down Letho.

Witcher 3 is all over the fucking place by comparison. I never cared much about the Wild Hunt storyline.
wild hunt wasnt really your goal, you were chasing your waifu(even if just for few mins), then your daughter that was lost and suddenly appeared.

Such tasks are often weird as on one hand they give you opening to explore open world, on other its hard to understand urgency - just like seeking your father that ran away from vault.

Due to this blurred urgency I liked kcd approach - quests expire without giving you actual timer. Open too many at the same time - you will start failing them. Extra points for not being able to load some save as going back few in game hours is not enough to finish.

Anyway -> wildhunt was clearly meh part and could be just removed. Main villain was perma frost after all. Or maybe it would work if for some reason it wasnt so one sided - dark sided. Probably the only entity in whole game that got so one sided evil agenda?

Which wouldn't be a problem if the games title, intro and hype didn't place a massive emphasis on The Wild Hunt. But it did.

You know when I played TW2 Assassin of Kings? I expected the main plot throughout to contain things to do with kings being assassinated. It did. And throughout not only was I being accused of being a said assassin and having to avoid capture + prove my innocence, other kings were also assassinated too.

But you could easily go 60 hours without anything remotely to do with the Wild Hunt.

I've also no issue with the muscled elves reveal. Done well it could have been brilliant. But it wasn't. It was done shit because I was having to spend too much time searching for person after person to even remember about them, and they ultimately felt like a total afterthought, whatever they were.
Dec 5, 2010
It was only a plot twist if you didn't read the books (ok most didn't), finished tw1 while paying attention to its plot (few did), then finished the unimportant tw2 sidequest by the end of the game that revealed they were evil space elves (even fewer did) and that's if the dialog/cutscene at the end of that quest didn't bug out (it more than likely did).


Nov 5, 2007
Yeah it's kinda hard to understand the Wild Hunt's motives. They seem basically like aliens. I've completed the game twice and I still couldn't tell you what their agenda is. They want to rule the world or something? I dunno, it's just really confusing. I vaguely remember that Ciri has Space Jesus blood in her or something, but I still don't really get why those elf dudes want it so badly.

I can get behind chasing after Yennefer and Ciri, but then once you find those two and it becomes 'defeat the space elves!' I'm just... fuck this shit, can I go back to fucking hot sorceresses and slaying monsters please? Even the whole 'interfering with kings' aspect of the Witcher series I can get on board with, because the kings are usually interesting people, and it's quite fun being the guy who gets to talk shit to the most important rulers in the world. But I found the whole Wild Hunt thing to be just terribly boring.

I'm not against 'oh shit now you gotta save the world' concepts in storytelling generally, but I find that they tend to be executed quite poorly in videogames.
not sure if trolling but ill bite...

dimensional elves are fleeing from frost - event that is sort of like warhammer chaos. It spreads from world to world. It spreads within world until it engulfs everything. Elves keep running away from it. Through inbreeding they were creating master sorcerror - so versed in dimensional magic that would seal frost. Thus saving whole multiverse. Through random events that someone is ciri in the end. They keep attacking to get hold of her, gain those space genes back.

Im not sure how you could miss that.

In books she was to bear children of some prince but he couldnt get a boner due to finding her repulsive. In the end she was saved by unicorns. I was scratching my head back when I red it, as I am doing now when writing this.
The elves wanted Ciri's kid because she has the power to travel between any worlds, while their abilities only allowed them to travel to a limited range of worlds. The retarded white frost shit is all made up in the game.

Ciri punching entropy in the face and everything related to that – related to Ciri even – is the low point of the franchise. A lot of it is Sapkowski's fault but they could've easily just ignored it like they did a bunch of other stuff.
How the fuck is it Sapkowski's fault when it's dumb shit that CDPR made up?

The design of their gear was also retarded.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
deterministic system > RNG
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