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The Horror Adventure Thread

Nifft Batuff

Nov 14, 2018
Just to necro a bit: The Excavation of Hob's Marrow

It has its own thread.

KIss My Ass

Real name: SDG
Dumbfuck Shitposter
Feb 3, 2023
Aya Cash's vagina I hope
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Call of Cthulhu: The Game

Short but sweet adventure game with RPG elements. It got ripped to shreds here because some dumbfuck posted the launch thread in General RPG. It's more adventure game than walking sim.

Also Tormented Souls.


May 28, 2016
Lost Continent of Mu
I played Unforgiving: A Northern Hymn.

I liked it. It had some interesting puzzle mechanics. There are some stealth sections and there are some chase sequences. Sadly it's quite short, I finished it in three hours.

If you're into Norse Mythology and/or Scandinavian Folklore then check it out.


Oct 10, 2023
Here are a few horror adventure games I've played and enjoyed: Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Outlast, and Alien: Isolation.


May 5, 2012
I remember posting this screenshot of it from the store page forever ago in the SJW thread:


May 4, 2016

This one is getting rave reviews.

It is amazing. A bit horny, so certain people on the Codex won't like it, but I highly recommend it for its writing.

The devs have another game, Scarlet Hollow. It is still in development (4/7 chapters are out) and it has black and gay people in it, so, once again, certain people won't like it, but I also suggest it to anyone interested in horror gaming. Plus, they made so much money from Slay the Princess that SC being finished is pretty much guaranteed at this point, barring some sort of tragedy.

I should probably mention that these are both games where choices matter, especially Scarlet Hollow, so they are immensely replayable.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
I take it lots of completion % for endings and achievements? (Which I assume is a very steam-thing).


May 4, 2016
Lots of achievements, yes, but it's not just endings. There are tons of scenes and different developments in both games that are hidden behind certain choices (some of them highly specific). Scarlet Hollow also has a traits system: there are 7 of them, and you have to choose 2 when you start the game. Every single one of them changes things significantly, to the point that there are entire plot lines you won't see if you don't have a particulat trait or a combination of them.
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May 4, 2016
Scarlet Hollow blows all the other visual novels out of the water with its C&C and writing. Can't wait for the remaining episodes.
Yep, it's great. I was a bit worried about it never being finished, though, since the sheer number of choices in that thing means that each new chapter takes longer to develop, and this is a small team that was working on a shoestring budget (and having to rely on several merch runs to stay afloat).

Luckily, Slay the Princess was such a massive success that they're probably set for years. Wouldn't be surprised if they expanded SC's scope even more (something they're already doing to Slay the Princess, by the way - a free expansion is coming next year).


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015

This one is getting rave reviews.

I came here to post about this.

Well. I'm glad I went on the high seas for this, because I've seen most of what's there to be seen in one evening. Is it good ?
... It's okay. The issue I have with it is that it relies on a gimmick seen already on "The Stanley Parable". The game is basically Stanley Parable - Horror Renpy edition, and it ends with pseudo meta bullshit that is lacking of much sense.

Was the experience enjoyable though ? I will actually say it was, and the evening I spent with it was great. But 17.49 € for that ? Get out of here.


May 4, 2016

This one is immensely enjoyable; strikes an excellent balance between humor and horror. Reminds me of those J-Horror RPG Maker games, just much more ambitious. The main character's personality can be a bit grating at times, but nothing too bad.

The save system is heavily reminiscent of Resident Evil; honestly, the whole items system reminds me of that game, especially in the way you need to use what you find to progress. I find it particularly refreshing how the game can actually become unwinnable if the player doesn't manage their resources well; I honestly never had a problem with it (you're given a ton of pretty much everything), but the fact that so many people complain that the system doesn't allow them to save scum or to turn their brains off while playing is a clear sign they did something right.

Oh, by the way, a spoiler-ish recommendation (I really recommend reading it, though):
look up how to get to the game's alternative route. A particularly dedicated player is likely to stumble upon it right in their first playthrough, and one should REALLY go for the main route their first time around.

Oh, and finally, the game has quite a few sidequests and optional events. Explore the building thoroughly.

The devs have another game, Count Lucanor, but it isn't as good as Yuppie Psycho (understandable, sinde CL was their first game). Still recommended, though, especially if you want more after finishing YP. The team is also working on a third game, Catechesis.

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
I never played the Dark Seed games. Would love to see those get a digital release.

I've been watching the old Giant Bomb crew play through these. They have some of the most unintentionally hilarious dialogue.

"My enemies have strongly underestimated how much events in this world affect the other. I've kept them from returning to space by letting my car fall apart."

"I'm building a grenade launching crossbow."

"There was one brave soul - Goth was his name - who tried to organize a rebellion, but the Ancients ordered me to build a power lock to confine him behind the Recreation Center".

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