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Underrail: The Incline Awakens

Dec 17, 2013
Dark Caverns completely ruins this game, and this review was more like an attempt at fellatio than an objective review.

I really enjoyed most of the game (the expeditions DLC was a bit of a slog), but Dark Caverns is an insult to any gaming enthusiast. Seriously, backtracking back and forth between some shit zones with waves of infinitely spawning enemies (mushroom shits, tchortists, robots, etc) without even clear instructions on what you are supposed to be doing (oh go open that fucking gate and fight tchort, why? FUCK YOU BITCH, it's just an excuse to look for 30 gizmos), fucking poison gas everywhere, wtf...

Even if the rest of the game is good, to add an ending like this is like watching a good movie and then at the end, to close the arc, the director takes off his pants and dances on the table shitting all over the food.

Fuck Styg, and he can buy and play his own dumbass games in the future, what a retard... I cannot imagine anyone short of being a complete sociopath designing this kind of an ending for a game.
You didn't pay attention to the storyline. The whole game tells you what sort of things you are to be expecting at the deep caverns. The idea is that you're alone and must survive.

This is the dumbest take I've ever seen in my life. The game tells you that you are alone and must survive? That is literally the entire point of every RPG ever made. So from this, you somehow deduce with your flea brains that I didn't pay attention, and this makes it ok to design a final area that has you searching for 30 gizmos without any instructions while being accosted by infinite waves of enemies?

Good God, man, go get a lobotomy right now!

The swarms of enemies are avoidable, of course DC is gonna be ass if you try to rush it. You took an elevator to an underground facility where tchortist were conducting some experiments with an eldritch god like abomination, what did you expect?

Again, every RPG/video game ever has you go for some insanely epic goal at the end. How does that excuse shit design in any way?

You don't need to fight tchortist down there, you can avoid the monsters, you can sneak past robots...

No, you can't. Do you know why? Because I haven't invested any points into stealth in this run. And you know what? It worked just fine for 95% of the game, until Shit Caverns.

In addition to that, there is at least one item you must get in Shit Caverns (according to the guide), that is in a trap room with poison, and the only way to get out of it is via hacking. Which I also haven't leveled up this run at all. And that was also fine for 95% of the game, up until shit caverns.

Do you know what this bait and switch is called in monocled circles (letting you get through the game with a certain build and then making it fail in the last part)? Shit design, my flea brained friend.

The only thing that can bite your ass on your first playthrough is the faceless, because the game doesn't hint that you can befriend them.

Yes, THAT is why every single underrail comment online says Deep Caverns is shit.

Porky again complains about "lack of instructions". Jesus dude, try to actually read stuff in-game next time. Six says in plain English don't fight chortlings and gives some directions.

Did I say somewhere that fighting them is the issue? Your reading comprehension skills are really something else. I said it's the height of shit design to have to bumble through some area looking for some unholy number of gizmos while facing infinite waves of spawning enemies.

And if you think Six telling you to open a gate and fight Tchort is somehow translatable to finding a bunch of random shit (mykocardia, bone knife, transmodular cockstainulator, etc) in like 8-9 zones while facing infinitely spawning shit, then you must the retarded target audience for this kind of shit.
Oh no, this post apocalyptic RPG had me to SCAVENGE stuff on a secluded endgame area! Oh no, it has respawning enemies, if only i had a way to actually avoid a debuff that makes them spawn this would be so easy!

You're the fleabrain, you just got filtered by Deep Caverns and your build fucking sucks.


Also try paying attention to the dialogue next time nigger

You seem upset, fleabrains.


Nov 17, 2020
Dark Caverns completely ruins this game, and this review was more like an attempt at fellatio than an objective review.

I really enjoyed most of the game (the expeditions DLC was a bit of a slog), but Dark Caverns is an insult to any gaming enthusiast. Seriously, backtracking back and forth between some shit zones with waves of infinitely spawning enemies (mushroom shits, tchortists, robots, etc) without even clear instructions on what you are supposed to be doing (oh go open that fucking gate and fight tchort, why? FUCK YOU BITCH, it's just an excuse to look for 30 gizmos), fucking poison gas everywhere, wtf...

Even if the rest of the game is good, to add an ending like this is like watching a good movie and then at the end, to close the arc, the director takes off his pants and dances on the table shitting all over the food.

Fuck Styg, and he can buy and play his own dumbass games in the future, what a retard... I cannot imagine anyone short of being a complete sociopath designing this kind of an ending for a game.
You didn't pay attention to the storyline. The whole game tells you what sort of things you are to be expecting at the deep caverns. The idea is that you're alone and must survive.

This is the dumbest take I've ever seen in my life. The game tells you that you are alone and must survive? That is literally the entire point of every RPG ever made. So from this, you somehow deduce with your flea brains that I didn't pay attention, and this makes it ok to design a final area that has you searching for 30 gizmos without any instructions while being accosted by infinite waves of enemies?

Good God, man, go get a lobotomy right now!

The swarms of enemies are avoidable, of course DC is gonna be ass if you try to rush it. You took an elevator to an underground facility where tchortist were conducting some experiments with an eldritch god like abomination, what did you expect?

Again, every RPG/video game ever has you go for some insanely epic goal at the end. How does that excuse shit design in any way?

You don't need to fight tchortist down there, you can avoid the monsters, you can sneak past robots...

No, you can't. Do you know why? Because I haven't invested any points into stealth in this run. And you know what? It worked just fine for 95% of the game, until Shit Caverns.

In addition to that, there is at least one item you must get in Shit Caverns (according to the guide), that is in a trap room with poison, and the only way to get out of it is via hacking. Which I also haven't leveled up this run at all. And that was also fine for 95% of the game, up until shit caverns.

Do you know what this bait and switch is called in monocled circles (letting you get through the game with a certain build and then making it fail in the last part)? Shit design, my flea brained friend.

The only thing that can bite your ass on your first playthrough is the faceless, because the game doesn't hint that you can befriend them.

Yes, THAT is why every single underrail comment online says Deep Caverns is shit.

Porky again complains about "lack of instructions". Jesus dude, try to actually read stuff in-game next time. Six says in plain English don't fight chortlings and gives some directions.

Did I say somewhere that fighting them is the issue? Your reading comprehension skills are really something else. I said it's the height of shit design to have to bumble through some area looking for some unholy number of gizmos while facing infinite waves of spawning enemies.

And if you think Six telling you to open a gate and fight Tchort is somehow translatable to finding a bunch of random shit (mykocardia, bone knife, transmodular cockstainulator, etc) in like 8-9 zones while facing infinitely spawning shit, then you must the retarded target audience for this kind of shit.
Oh no, this post apocalyptic RPG had me to SCAVENGE stuff on a secluded endgame area! Oh no, it has respawning enemies, if only i had a way to actually avoid a debuff that makes them spawn this would be so easy!

You're the fleabrain, you just got filtered by Deep Caverns and your build fucking sucks.


Also try paying attention to the dialogue next time nigger

You seem upset, fleabrains.
I'm not the one whining about avoidable issues



Feb 9, 2016
I've done like a billion runs without any hacking or lockpicking, never got stuck somewhere.

Are you talking about the autism that happens in Arke Power Station? You have to run out of that room with turnbased mode before the gas activates or something, it is autistic though. I actually keep forgetting about it and it throws me off a little each time.
Dec 17, 2013
Dark Caverns completely ruins this game, and this review was more like an attempt at fellatio than an objective review.

I really enjoyed most of the game (the expeditions DLC was a bit of a slog), but Dark Caverns is an insult to any gaming enthusiast. Seriously, backtracking back and forth between some shit zones with waves of infinitely spawning enemies (mushroom shits, tchortists, robots, etc) without even clear instructions on what you are supposed to be doing (oh go open that fucking gate and fight tchort, why? FUCK YOU BITCH, it's just an excuse to look for 30 gizmos), fucking poison gas everywhere, wtf...

Even if the rest of the game is good, to add an ending like this is like watching a good movie and then at the end, to close the arc, the director takes off his pants and dances on the table shitting all over the food.

Fuck Styg, and he can buy and play his own dumbass games in the future, what a retard... I cannot imagine anyone short of being a complete sociopath designing this kind of an ending for a game.
You didn't pay attention to the storyline. The whole game tells you what sort of things you are to be expecting at the deep caverns. The idea is that you're alone and must survive.

This is the dumbest take I've ever seen in my life. The game tells you that you are alone and must survive? That is literally the entire point of every RPG ever made. So from this, you somehow deduce with your flea brains that I didn't pay attention, and this makes it ok to design a final area that has you searching for 30 gizmos without any instructions while being accosted by infinite waves of enemies?

Good God, man, go get a lobotomy right now!

The swarms of enemies are avoidable, of course DC is gonna be ass if you try to rush it. You took an elevator to an underground facility where tchortist were conducting some experiments with an eldritch god like abomination, what did you expect?

Again, every RPG/video game ever has you go for some insanely epic goal at the end. How does that excuse shit design in any way?

You don't need to fight tchortist down there, you can avoid the monsters, you can sneak past robots...

No, you can't. Do you know why? Because I haven't invested any points into stealth in this run. And you know what? It worked just fine for 95% of the game, until Shit Caverns.

In addition to that, there is at least one item you must get in Shit Caverns (according to the guide), that is in a trap room with poison, and the only way to get out of it is via hacking. Which I also haven't leveled up this run at all. And that was also fine for 95% of the game, up until shit caverns.

Do you know what this bait and switch is called in monocled circles (letting you get through the game with a certain build and then making it fail in the last part)? Shit design, my flea brained friend.

The only thing that can bite your ass on your first playthrough is the faceless, because the game doesn't hint that you can befriend them.

Yes, THAT is why every single underrail comment online says Deep Caverns is shit.

Porky again complains about "lack of instructions". Jesus dude, try to actually read stuff in-game next time. Six says in plain English don't fight chortlings and gives some directions.

Did I say somewhere that fighting them is the issue? Your reading comprehension skills are really something else. I said it's the height of shit design to have to bumble through some area looking for some unholy number of gizmos while facing infinite waves of spawning enemies.

And if you think Six telling you to open a gate and fight Tchort is somehow translatable to finding a bunch of random shit (mykocardia, bone knife, transmodular cockstainulator, etc) in like 8-9 zones while facing infinitely spawning shit, then you must the retarded target audience for this kind of shit.
Oh no, this post apocalyptic RPG had me to SCAVENGE stuff on a secluded endgame area! Oh no, it has respawning enemies, if only i had a way to actually avoid a debuff that makes them spawn this would be so easy!

You're the fleabrain, you just got filtered by Deep Caverns and your build fucking sucks.


Also try paying attention to the dialogue next time nigger

You seem upset, fleabrains.
I'm not the one whining about avoidable issues


Yeah, you are, fleabrains. I am just making fairly obvious logical statements, you are the one whining when I point out the stupidity of your fanboy positions. Now go away, if I wanted to argue with someone with double digit IQ, I would call a Microsoft support line.

I've done like a billion runs without any hacking or lockpicking, never got stuck somewhere.

Are you talking about the autism that happens in Arke Power Station? You have to run out of that room with turnbased mode before the gas activates or something, it is autistic though. I actually keep forgetting about it and it throws me off a little each time.

Hahahaha, wow. Yeah....


Nov 17, 2020
Now go away, if I wanted to argue with someone with double digit IQ, I would call a Microsoft support line.
Even the indians at the ms support line wouldnt get filtered like you did

You can't claim you're smart when you bitch and moan because the game didn't take you by the hand at the goddamn end section. Whining about poison gas? Seriously? You just suck, your complaints are reddit tier, if it was years ago, like Parabalus mentioned i'd cut you some slack, but your complaints are just plain retarded

>boohoo i got gangbanged by mobs instead of using the hatches for the debuff to end
The game's about exploration, even if you just skipped all dialogue you'd find out the hatches would help with that, not to mention the feat you get from Leo. The mushroom enemies are just in the mushroom forest section and they're even tough, they're slow, you can engage them one by one

Your problem is just skill issue man, you're in no place to call anyone stupid when you're the stupid clown, so:

Dec 17, 2013
I did actually, I first played Underrail many years ago, loved the game, got to DC, ragequit the first time. But back then I just ragequit because it was so annoying, didn't really look into it in-depth.

This time, I actually read up the online guide to see how exactly it's supposed to be completed, and that really brought it home just how retarded that area design is. Given the infinitely spawning enemies everywhere and how many different things you are supposed to find in DC, and the kind of instructions you are given, I have no idea how autistic someone has to be and how much free time they must have to slog through this shit without a guide.

DC is an embarassment to video gaming.


Nov 17, 2020
Literally Jonas in the beggining of the game: Deep Caves is a fucked up place
Literally every high ranking member of the Institute: Deep Caves is a fucked up place due Tchort's influence
Six: Painstakingly details to you about Tchort, your objectives and the dangers up ahead



the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
i shall forever remember how I gathered all that lore on mushroom caves, prepared in advance as much as I could, donned full hazmat suit and wasted hours trying to progress story ahead.


Nov 17, 2020
i shall forever remember how I gathered all that lore on mushroom caves, prepared in advance as much as I could, donned full hazmat suit and wasted hours trying to progress story ahead.
shroom cave is a joke if you have 100% bio resistance


Apr 16, 2020
I swapped to heavy armor because spawn were fucking me up with this, they deal 0dmg to me and I can focus on burrowers i didn't expect horde of zergs in this game lmao
Dec 17, 2013
Given the infinitely spawning enemies everywhere
Only in 2 of several maps.

Edit: also they take quite a while to show up and this gets reset every map transition with plenty of little basements/bunkers/whatever to step into and reset their arrival.

Total bullshit, get your memory checked. Mushrooms spawn infinitely in the mushroom forest.

Tchortists spawn infinitely in Hollow Earth.

Robots spawn infintiely in Arke Power Station.

Burrowers spawn infinitely in those in between areas.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Guys, do you like how trading works in this game? it kinda kills my vibe when i need to run every five minutes and merchant barely can afford fraction of my stuff or they don't want it i started using cheat endgine to refresh them at this point
I hate the trading system in Underrail.


Jun 30, 2021

I just got this off the chans.
Horrible optics.
>Custom difficulties
>Custom quests
>A way to kill Al Fabet without aggroing Core City
>Impregnating Vivian Mod
Styg is denying us a world of possibilities
>Booth always shows up (thankfully actually exists)
>spontaneous gypsy explosion mod
>All Random Dungeons/quests (also exists but I'm not sure if it's updated)
>No fucking gatekeeping behind DOMINATING difficulty mod
>Reinstate the damned console you asshole mod
>Styg is a fucking moron. A talented moron who's work I respect, but still a moron.
Jan 1, 2011
Don't worry, it used to be 10x worse, and people here still defended it.
Didn't creeping dread take a minute to wear off back at release? I wasn't playing back then but I think I heard people say that. Waiting that out over and over would be the most boring shit.

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