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Witcher 3 - Was the Wild Hunt twist cheap - spoilers

Are elves with muscles ok?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • kingcomrade is an elf lover

    Votes: 14 35.9%

  • Total voters

overly excitable young man

So just had this discussion with a friend.
I found how the Wild Hunt are just interdimensional super elves in skull armors and flying boats extremely stupid as it's just a
cheap way to break with the cliche of elves being thin and agile.
Imlerith is fucking huge and a mountain of meat and in his armor he just screams:
"Everyone in my Games Workshop said that elves are gay. I'll show them!"
It doesn't even make sense for them to have that badass armor while in the same time being highly developed and civilized people.
But they just want to come off as brutes.
You could do the same thing with breaking cliches with huge magical dwarfs e.g.

My friend said he doesn't know wherefrom i have the cliches of elves being thin, agile, intelligent and effeminated.
Is he a dirty elf lover?
What is your opinion? Are you too?
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I don't remember this part of the game.
First you run around and do some things with your baron bro, then you do hearts of stone, then blood & wine, then the game ends.


Jul 7, 2015
The Elf, foul and fearful as he is, would name us brute and barbarian. Would accuse mankind of violence and subjugation, and complain that they are our victims, who are better and more refined. In truth they Envy our strength, our masculinity, our power and our ambition. They are the weak who dream of being strong but are too cowardly to grasp their fate or lead, and so slither into power acting as moral arbiters, while hiding their foul degeneracy.

Inferior, incompetent, impotent and inhuman. They must be beaten down until the boot on their face is all they see or know.

No truce with the Elf!

Prime Junta

Nothing wrong with muscle elves. Tolkien didn't envision the Eldar as pointy-eared wisps, that was related to their fading away.

The Wild Hunt twist was dumb though.


Apr 9, 2013
Yeah, I don't mind the muscled elves, didn't even think about it. But I really thought the Wild Hunt were undead liches or something.

The UMA elf is from the same race as well I think? he looks like a normal elf, Wild Hunt elves are probably steroid up bro elves.


Feb 14, 2017
Whatever the stance on muscles, The Wild Hunt itself was a fucking unbelievable let down all round. Who they were, what they were, and the part they played in the game (i.e. next to fuck all until the end) all sucked bull balls.


Jan 1, 2014
So just had this discussion with a friend.
I found how the Wild Hunt are just interdimensional super elves in skull armors and flying boats extremely stupid as it's just a
cheap way to break with the cliche of elves being thin and agile.
Imlerith is fucking huge and a mountain of meat and in his armor he just screams:
"Everyone in my Games Workshop said that elves are gay. I'll show them!"
It doesn't even make sense for them to have that badass armor while in the same time being highly developed and civilized people.
But they just want to come off as brutes.
You could do the same thing with breaking cliches with huge magical dwarfs e.g.

My friend said he doesn't know wherefrom i have the cliches of elves being thin, agile, intelligent and effeminated.
Is he a dirty elf lover?
What is your opinion? Are you too?

It wasn't meant to be a plot twist.

Its a plot twist only for normies that played only TW3

Even in TW2 its revealed that they are elves.

overly excitable young man

lol only normies play Witcher anyway, but i can't remember it being mentioned.
I can only remember them appearing as spooky ghosts in W1.
Where in W2?


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Elves live longer, hence they can hit the gym longer. Therefor they should have more muscles. Like so:


Jan 22, 2019
It was kind of anti-climatic. And the fact that Eredin had like a voice mod installed in his helmet or smth to sound more ominous, didn't help either.

overly excitable young man

Thanks! I didn't remember this at all.
To be true i don't know anymore what i did the whole time in Witcher 2.
Something something assassin kills kings. Something sorceresses.

Had fun though.


Apr 27, 2017
Blame Sapowski for that one, the Wild Hunt being other world genocidal elves comes straight from the books.


Jan 26, 2014
Yeah this "twist" that has been known for 20 years is really quite some "twist".
Wild Hunt being normal nonsupernatural race is a good thing ffs.
The problem with Wild Hunt in TW3 is that they cut some of the questlines involving them, thus making their presence heavily underused and turning Eredin into a onedimensional villain, which was a missed opportunity. That said it was not a huge problem given the game has many other antagonists who are much more drawn and detailed. And if anyone wants more backstory on Eredin, just pick up the book.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
Witcher 2 felt like you had a purpose, hunting down Letho.

Witcher 3 is all over the fucking place by comparison. I never cared much about the Wild Hunt storyline.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
deterministic system > RNG
Last edited:


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
Witcher 2 felt like you had a purpose, hunting down Letho.

Witcher 3 is all over the fucking place by comparison. I never cared much about the Wild Hunt storyline.
wild hunt wasnt really your goal, you were chasing your waifu(even if just for few mins), then your daughter that was lost and suddenly appeared.

Such tasks are often weird as on one hand they give you opening to explore open world, on other its hard to understand urgency - just like seeking your father that ran away from vault.

Due to this blurred urgency I liked kcd approach - quests expire without giving you actual timer. Open too many at the same time - you will start failing them. Extra points for not being able to load some save as going back few in game hours is not enough to finish.

Anyway -> wildhunt was clearly meh part and could be just removed. Main villain was perma frost after all. Or maybe it would work if for some reason it wasnt so one sided - dark sided. Probably the only entity in whole game that got so one sided evil agenda?
Yeah it's kinda hard to understand the Wild Hunt's motives. They seem basically like aliens. I've completed the game twice and I still couldn't tell you what their agenda is. They want to rule the world or something? I dunno, it's just really confusing. I vaguely remember that Ciri has Space Jesus blood in her or something, but I still don't really get why those elf dudes want it so badly.

I can get behind chasing after Yennefer and Ciri, but then once you find those two and it becomes 'defeat the space elves!' I'm just... fuck this shit, can I go back to fucking hot sorceresses and slaying monsters please? Even the whole 'interfering with kings' aspect of the Witcher series I can get on board with, because the kings are usually interesting people, and it's quite fun being the guy who gets to talk shit to the most important rulers in the world. But I found the whole Wild Hunt thing to be just terribly boring.

I'm not against 'oh shit now you gotta save the world' concepts in storytelling generally, but I find that they tend to be executed quite poorly in videogames.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
not sure if trolling but ill bite...

dimensional elves are fleeing from frost - event that is sort of like warhammer chaos. It spreads from world to world. It spreads within world until it engulfs everything. Elves keep running away from it. Through inbreeding they were creating master sorcerror - so versed in dimensional magic that would seal frost. Thus saving whole multiverse. Through random events that someone is ciri in the end. They keep attacking to get hold of her, gain those space genes back.

Im not sure how you could miss that.

In books she was to bear children of some prince but he couldnt get a boner due to finding her repulsive. In the end she was saved by unicorns. I was scratching my head back when I red it, as I am doing now when writing this.
No, I genuinely wasn't trolling. I don't recall any of this despite having completed the game twice, I swear to god.

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